The village farmhouse is a big clean cozy comfortable room designed in a Chinese period setting style. Service and facilities are excellent and there is even free fruits and softdrinks that come with our stay. Its location is very convenient for touring the Ten Mile Gallery and climbing the Moon Hill mountain. The staff speak excellent English and all are accomodating and customer-friendly.
全球最大家族邮轮企业MSC地中海邮轮今日宣布将携手卡塔尔交付与传承最高委员会,将MSC地中海歌剧号(MSC Opera)打造成为“海上漂浮酒店”。歌剧号届时将加入MSC地中海欧罗巴(MSC World Europa)和MSC地中海诗歌号(MSC Poesia)的行列,于11月19日至12月19日期间靠泊多哈,接待宾客。
The village farmhouse is a big clean cozy comfortable room designed in a Chinese period setting style. Service and facilities are excellent and there is even free fruits and softdrinks that come with our stay. Its location is very convenient for touring the Ten Mile Gallery and climbing the Moon Hill mountain. The staff speak excellent English and all are accomodating and customer-friendly.